
life (14) living (13) Poetry (10) Poem (9) Positive Attitude (7) God (6) Object (6) Theatre (6) pray (5) prayer (5) wish (5) AnuAdi (4) Greeting (4) Love (4) Opportunity (4) teacher (4) Nature (3) Story (3) facebook (3) fitness (3) running (3) Birth (2) Play (2) Playback Theatre (2) Pregnancy (2) Sarcasm (2) Study (2) Travel (2) festival (2) goal (2) grace (2) health (2) relationship (2) sun (2) Happy New Year (1) Joy (1) procrastination (1) sunrise (1)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Your Friend's Friend

 (A one minute monologue)
(Blood drenched T Shirt, A large knife in hand)
Is there a way out
From this bloody mess
It's her fault
I stabbed her dead
She clicked so many likes
Why did she get into my head
I told her so reasonably
That she follow me
But she started liking his update
Now see where she ended up
No like No comment No date
Just a fullstop to her fate
What if they arrest me today
Will they understand
Why I had to kill.
Mine was true love
Killing does not give me a thrill
just like the last three case
a lonely reality I have to face
Tonight I will go online
And make a few friends
I want true love
Not so many dead ends
Will you be willing
To accept my friend request
I am your friend's friend
My interest are same as yours
My qualifications too
Once I shift my birthday
Our sunsigns will match too
I will read all your past post
And update status like you do
I am your true love
Let me get into your shoe

An Enigma called Love

Does love make me complete
.. or was it a complete idiot
Does love make me dance
... or leaves me in trance
Does love give me a high
... or leaves me high and dry
Does love leave me breathless
... or leaves me breadth less
If you have similar doubts
Then it is good
Love is an enigma
I have never understood
Love is magic
If both of you are positive
Love is tragic
If either of you are negative
Take it for granted
And it will die
Hold it tight
And it will fly
Nurture it
And it will grow
Work on it
And it will show
Love does make me dance
But what is the chance
That this romance
Will stand the test of time
But what is the chance
That this romance
Will be a bloody waste of time
Logically it does not make sense
But I love this pretense
"Love will make me complete
Heart will rapidly beat
Feet would be ready to dance
My soul will seek true romance"
And finally when the day I find
I will jump on my feet
And ask my mind
"Is this complete, complete?"

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mystery Star

You are a mystery
With a bit of history
And a lot of chemistry
Mathematically you don't add up
Laws of physics go berserk
Astronomically you are a star
Geographically you will go far
Freedom is in your hair now
Smile is dancing on your lips
Contentment in ur mind now
Life's answers on your fingertips
Grace is in your feet now
Joy is twinkling in your eyes
Excitement is in your heart now
As your soul soars towards the skies
Success is coming to meet you
Keep the doors open
Love is coming to embrace you
Keep your heart open
Happy birthday, Dear Dimpy
There is nothing truer ever spoken
Accept this poem as our loving token
(With love from all of us
in the theatre fraternity)
(Written by Jibrael Jos)

Fractured Existence

(Context : An injury does throw a spin into your life)

A fractured bone
A ligament tear
A lots of ooo's
And lot of stares

You get some love
Lots of care
Some worked shared

Signature on the cast
A few lipstick marks
If lucky, spoon fed
And early to bed

A few classes missed
An assignment excused
urgent work refused

But if you are alone
You'll curse your bone
and develop an urge
To blame somebody

A lesson in humility
comes with it free
Faith in humanity
falls by a few degree

Medical bills, Keeps coming on
and on and on and on
Belief in friends reborn
Ego in you .. Gone!!

After the hospital visit
You perceive your problem differently
(When u see what all serious problems others have)
A broken bone A ligament tear
You are ready to bear relatively

You start thanking God
For saving your life
Withdrawing all complaints to Him,
with effect immediately

(Written by Jibrael Jos )

Burnt Bridges

(Context : Challenges of a relationship gone sour)
Bridge was burnt on both sides
Repair attempts were total fail
Shouting from the banks now
Was to no avail
Grass seemed greener on the other side
But the river of ego was too wide
Swimming was too much of a trouble now
Because time had increased the divide
Every boat which carried their message now
Got drifted away without an aim
Every cry for a hug and embrace now
Seems like just another blame
The two banks went together now
Side by side all the way
But not ready to share now
As if there was nothing to say
Home which was built on the bridge now
Was reduced to a stranded shame
The embers are all that remains now
Of what once was a roaring flame
(Written by Jibrael Jos )

Mother's Love

Context : ( For my mother, my grandmother, for my children's mother, all mothers in the world and You who is lucky to have such a wonderful mom)
Oceans cannot compare to the depth
Sun cannot compare in warmth
Mountains cannot compare to its height
But all together it may come close alright
Flowers cannot compare in perfection
Teddy Bears cannot compare in affection
Chocolates cannot compare in delight
But all together it may come close alright
A mother's love
Is your only measure
Of God's love
A mother's heart
Is your only treasure
When you part
She taught you to walk
She taught you to talk
She taught you to live
Each and every day with a smile
She taught you to pray
She taught you the way
She taught you to be truthful
Each day to be ever grateful
In times of joy you need her
And in times of sorrow even more
In times of success by your side
To see her eyes full of pride
Whose scolding goes straight to heart
Whose praise gives you a head start
Whose advise is forever cherished
Whose food is forever relished
If she is still with you be grateful
Because not everybody is so lucky
If not, still be cheerful
Because even in heaven she will be
negotiating with God to keep you lucky
(Written by Jibrael Jos )

Observe and Listen

(Context : A Teacher's farewell advice, on last working day of the year)

Observe the good days and the bad
Observe the happy and the sad
Observe the sinner and the priest
Observe the beauty in the beast
Observe the absence in the presence
Observe the sincerity in the penance

Listen to the voice in the silence
Listen to the melody in the noise
Listen to the rhythm of your body
Listen to the aberrations of the mind
Listen to the cry in the laughter
Listen to the prayer in another's curse

Observe and Listen before you speak
Seemingly strong, they maybe weak
Words our powerful, if spoken right
Out of place, day may turn night
Eyes and Ears are two, use it right
May you become the source of light
May you become the source of light

(Written by Jibrael Jos )

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Photon on the Go

There is a girl I know, like a photon on the go
Nimble as a feather, predictable like weather!
Her personality is such, that earth gravity is not much
The earth revolves around her, around her  

She paints, She acts, She dances … are facts
An inspiration to many, perspiration to “Maharaj Shani”!
Persistent like a wave, ever giving like a flame
Like a gentle breeze she is, she is

When kids her age are getting a grip on life
She has understood the crux, like a butter thru knife  
She is a star, grabs opportunities near and far
Friends to many, chai wala, cleaning lady, security guards … so many so many

She does things Mountain Dew drinkers will dare not do
Breaks boundaries, barriers and riti riwaaz too
Everything is a story, Everything is a song
Drama runs in her blood stream from the day she was born

Where does she get all this, Maybe from her dad I guess
Maybe it is her mom, but let me not digress
Happy Birthday Dear Nithya

May God Bless you ya,

Half my age, Half my weight … but
      Double the zing, Double the grace
Great to have a friend like you … but
     Don’t go overboard with all this praise
Happy Birthday Dear Nithya

May God Bless you ya,

All the Best

Study well, Sleep well A day before the exams
But don't tell, That I didn't tell
All the best for the exams

Becoz you make ur luck
By the hours u clock
Days before the exams

Incase prep is not enough
The going may get rough
So .... "All the best"
and pray God grants u grace
When things get really really tough.. 

Study well, Sleep well A day before the exams 

Case of Gluttonous Goat

Case of Gluttonous Goat
Ranjeet had the quill
Shastry had the will
Ramana did the kill Mahesh did the drill

    Rudresh got the bill
    Dimpy had her fill !!
    Shiva with his kannada pill
    Venky had the acting skill

Prathana with her magical skill
Ajai got some laughs until
Sumanth's slap sent a chill

    Akhilesh had everyone's lines
    Thejash didnt hv his but did just fine
    Satya does not know it's over still :-)
    Now Ashwati wants a refill

Leaf and the Feather

On the footpath they both met
They wish they had met before
Both had met with a tragic fall
Their egos had taken a toll
One had seen tremendous heights
The other had withstood mighty storms
Both had followed all the rules
They had wanted to break all norms
One had travelled almost everyday
Had seen the world from above
The other's maiden trip was today
having spent all the time looking above
So the leaf asked the feather
Do you miss all your brothers
Well yes said he,
but this fall has taught me
The other side of being free
The feather asked the leaf
Was it great to be a team
which gave us fresh air?
O! exclaimed, she,
I did not know our synthesis
meant so much to thee
But this fall has taught me
The trunk, the branch
were not chains
But nurturers for my sisters and me
Now I am drying and turning brittle
Alas I have seen the world so little
The feather consoled
You did not miss much
The world is messed up as such
People polluting
what they breathe
and what they drink
Garbage piled up to the sky
That every where you go there is a stink
Friends for life
They decided to stay together
But a gust of wind began to unfurl!
Luckily they flew
into the arms of a little girl
Who preserved them both
In the folds of a book
To be immortalised
Now and forever
(Written by Jibrael Jos )

Rain Prayer

Can the rain wash away my sin
Can the pain go away from within
Can the wounds be healed today
Can the mind come to rest I pray
Will there be a consideration for me
Will thou hear my plea
Will this rain renew my being
Will there be a rainbow for me
In the lightning I see your presence
In the raindrop I feel your essence
In the rumbling thunder I hear u scold
Give me the will to follow what u hv told
If not in you whom shall I depend
If not today when shall I repent
This rain I feel is a message from thee
From the skies directly to me
Renew me Renew me
My humble plea
May this rain wash my pains away
May the wounds be healed today
Grant me peace of mind, I pray
(Written by Jibrael Jos )
( Inspired by the rain today in Bangalore)

You Decide

If you think u are alone... you are
If you think u are scared... you are
If you think u are sad... you are

But the moment
u decide you are not
..... u r not

If you don't love yourself... who will
If you don't believe.... who will
If you don't praise yourself.... who will

But the moment
u decide to do
..... THE WORLD will claim,
That they always knew

Jibrael Jos

Wisdom Of The Crowd

If you read all the posts
It's very sad 'mere dost'
Intelligent and the fools
Are both tools
To enlighten our world!
...Back to the stone ages

If you see all the shares
It leaves you in despair
Educated and illiterates
Are just votes
To democrise our world!
...Back to the dark ages

Every one has a point in media's boxing ring
'Wisdom of the crowd' There is no such thing

(Please Note: Posts and Shares relates to Social Media Sites)

Jibrael Jos

Why Do I Teach?

Why do I teach?
I ask every year
A teacher hopes to inspire
A few to follow their hearts desire
A teacher hopes to kindle
A few to be in the darkness, a candle
A teacher hopes to teach
A few to practice what they preach
A teacher hopes to impart
A few to believe that they can restart
Sometimes I wonder if it's a blunder
To think I can bring about change
So... I ask every year
Why do I teach?
'I love doing what I am doing'
But is that enough I don't know,
So... I ask every year
Why do I teach?

Jibrael Jos

Until We Instill

we sit still
How will we hear?
We distill
How will we be clear?
We instill
This discipline I fear
Education is a sheer waste my dear

We think
How will we see change?
We write
How will we seed change?
We believe
How will we be the change?
We instill
This discipline I fear
Education is a sheer waste my dear.

Jibrael Jos

To Be Like A Butterfly

Everybody is envious
Of the colourful butterfly
His delicate wings
And graceful flight
He is the epitome of happiness! !

But have you ever wondered
The challenges he faced
Growing up without his parents
Struggles as a caterpillar
Risking his life for daily leaf
No friends he can count on
The few he looked upto
want to swoop down
and make a meal of him

Nobody to guide him and support him
during his metamorphosis
And yet
His unflinching belief in the process

Today he is your role model
You want to fly like him
Look attractive, be loved by all
Flirt with the wind
Travel from one flower to another
Drink nectar and be in bliss

Are u ready for the struggle
Are u ready to take risk
Are u ready to believe

Jibrael Jos


Theatre thou art like a Rhyme
Emotions in a blur, Joy so sublime
Practice seems to literally stop time

Jibrael Jos

Tea And Pakodas

I ran a mile and walked for two
It's been a while to be really true
Now sitting back on my rocking chair
With pakodas and tea,
make a dancing pair
Life does seem, like a one big fair

Jibrael Jos

Sunrise At Valliyur

Where the clouds flirt with the hills 
Where the train snakes thru the valleys
Where the sun paints on the canvas
I feel like the dew on the grass
Capturing the essence in my reflection
But unable to resonate the sheer beauty and joy of all that I uphold

Spooky Tree

Rydhun was a smart boy
as naughty as can be
He made up a story
of a ghost on a tree

He scared the smaller kids
Aged five, four and three
with stories of demons
And dead men walking free

One fine day
the big boys played a prank
they tied a white cloth
On the tree's high branch
When the wind whistled thru it
It was scary sight to watch

Rydhun walked under the tree
with not a fear in the world
When an eerie voice
Made him look up
The waving cloth
Got him all spooked up

He screamed his lungs out
and made a dash for his life
All bravery flushed out
His stories flashed before his eyes
He tripped and fell
Was it a zombie from hell?

Big boys had a laugh
at his expense
There was no real ghost
no real suspense

Days passed by
Rydhun avoided the tree
Haunter became the haunted
Mind was no longer free

Two days later a child fell off
while getting a kite free
Another child got hurt
by chance under the tree

By and by
the legend slowly grew
Stories of zombie sightings
seemed all true

Association took a call,
to cut down the tree.
Tree lovers tried to stall,
but it was not to be

The fateful axe
had a destiny to keep
because after all
children needed to sleep

People gathered to see
the grand old tree
brought down on its knee
supposedly to set some spirits free

Contractor was in luck
He was going to make a fast buck
He rubbed his hands in glee
how dumb could people really be

The woodcutter swung
with a mighty force
But Behold! The tree disappeared
from right under their nose

Jibrael Jos

Solitary Diya

Some Diwali 's....
when you are away from home
And no real friends near by
You r the solitary diya
Amidst the fireworks in the sky

When the only box of sweet
Is the one you bought
When the only wish you got
Is the one you thought

Take heart and make a start
And be the source of joy
Go n greet, Share some sweet
With those in need nearby

Because you may be the solitary diya
In somebody else's lonely life
Wipe the tear and bring some cheer
You are the fireworks in the sky
.... Happy Diwali

(Please Note: Diya is small light in a two inch earthen lamp)

Jibrael Jos

Shadow And Light

Shadow looms in front of you
and sometimes behind
Its due to a light,
so don't mind

Why are you afraid
don't be
Focus on the light
Let the darkness be

Pray to God
and believe
Because if light falls from above
Shadows will be under thee

With his grace one day
may you be.
The light, to dispel
the shadow from another being

Jibrael Jos

Search Of Love

I went in search of love
In the valleys deep
On the mountain steep
In the rivers wide
On the brook side

But she eluded me
She avoided me
I started to perceive
As all make believe

I went in search of God
In temples small
In churches tall
In prayer halls long
In conventions strong

But he eluded me
He avoided me
I started to perceive
As all make believe

I started breathing
I started singing
I started running
I started giving

I started seeing
I started feeling
I started caring
I started living

And guess who came looking for me?

Now I see love not only in
valleys deep
mountains steep....
But also on the roadside
In a beggars smile
Pending work file
Long queue near a water pump
Kids playing beside a garbage dump

Jibrael Jos

Say Hello

Advice: Pickle the glitches in your life
             They will taste good over time 

Reply: Currently the glitches are pickling me

Advice: Happiness has been looking for you
             Why r u hiding in this shell
             Come out, Say Hello

Jibrael Jos

Sarcastically Speaking

A computer science graduate is one
Who has no life and has no fun?
His love for programming just died
His heart at the sight of DFD's just cried

Java threads tears him to shreds
OS DS SS he highly dreads
VIVA questions are hazy loops
Answer to most question.... oops

Now OOPS is supposed to be easy
But the abstractness is just crazy
The inheritance against his will
Polymorphism ready to kill

If you last till noon
Don't be elated to soon
Because 12 to 1 time stands still
And 2 to 4 is a steep climb uphill

Now OS with its process and layers
Is so beautiful but who cares
IP Communication is above the head
Sleep() and Wait() sends him to bed

Software Engineering seems very nice
Models should technically add some spice! !
But all the case studies take a toll
At every nook and corner of your soul

A computer science graduate is one
Who has no life who has no fun?
...... but......
Did you actually ever act like one?
A fest here and a dance there
A class missed An assignment flipped
A laugh shared over a truth dared
A friends meet A gossip tweet

Also maybe I am wrong
Your joy of programming is very strong
Debugging gives you a high
Designing Posters and Videos does satisfy
Creating mobiles apps your cup of tea
A startup CEO you are going to be

A computer science graduate could be one
Who lives life with loads of fun

Jibrael Jos

Rising Pulse

Now there is beat
I'm up on my feet
Now there is a pulse
My heart is abuzz
Now there is phase
I dance or I fade
Choice is mine to take
To up the tempo or break

Quadratic Relation

For him she was the goal
For her he was the way
It was not true love
Adjustments ruled the day

They checked the stars for approval
Matched the relationship on paper
They piled up the expectations
To see if the other does caper

The blinding beauty of selfishness
Cast a mighty spell
It was not true love
But a journey not going very well

He thought he scored a goal
She thought she found the way
Just a few weeks under one roof
Not one more day, they could stay

Astrologers finally gave up
Matchmakers were in a fix
90% promised compatibility but
Marriage went for a six

You take the other
out of the equation
The world seems a better place
But without love and fellowship
Is there a point to this rat race?

Jibrael Jos

Playbacker's Prayer

Dear Lord,

If life is a play
Teach me to act according to your way

If life is a walk
What pace will I take
What friends will I make

If life is a freeze
What opportunity will I seize

If life is machine
Teach me to make my repetitions fine
Happy even on a production line

If life is a tableau
Teach me to add value in the show
And innovate on my toe

If life is a fluid sculpture
Teach me not to rupture
The very fabric of your structure

If life is a script
Even I have no line I am fine
But if I have one, not my wish but thine

If life is a play
Teach me to act according to your way

Jibrael Jos

Our Princess

(Written a day after my daughter was born in 2003)

Well there may be many thrills in life,
but we doubt whether any can better this.
Out of 24 hours this lady sleeps for 14 hrs
and make sure we don't sleep more than four
feeds for six hours
and does not care an iota about our woes
cries almost an hour a day
and keeps us on toes
expects us to toil for her
as she soils her clothes.

Her one yawn
Her one smile
Her one stretch
Takes us to cloud nine
And Fills us with pride

Gazing at her is peace
Holding her is success
She is what makes us feel complete.

We never understood why our parents love is so unconditional
But we have an idea now why.
So much emotions in the last 10 days
Labour, Birth, Jaundice.. smiles and tears.

This is our princess … as you may have yours.
This is our bundle of joy … which knows no bounds
This is our baby - Our life from now on.

Jibrael Jos

Monday Blues

Weekdays when I work till two
And cannot fathom how time flew
I start realising how magic happens
On Monday nights too

Many complain about Monday blues
How weekends gone, and weekdays run loose
But out of my week, I must say
Life is too short to crop even a day

Life Is Poetry?

No Rhyme..then No Reason to be?
Life is not perfect I must agree
Without the chains, how does one break free
If we do not part, how do we make a new start
If we do not fail, how does one make a new trail

Nobody wants the vacation to be
In the plains, however fertile it maybe
If not for the mountains and sea
How boring life's journey and view would be

Life is not perfect you must agree
You are the lighthouse in life's dark and stormy sea
If you stand alone, stand tall for the world to see
If NO Rhyme, you still have a thousand reasons to be

No Reason... then the Rhyme you be
Is Life still a poetry for thee?

Jibrael Jos

Lemon Tea

Aroma embraces you
Before the first sip
Tea awakens you
Like a kiss on your lip

Tiredness forgotten
Feels warmth within
Mint and Lemon
Let thy tango begin

Some call it Sulaimani
Some call it not
It's worth the money
Lukewarm or hot

No fancy ingredient
No regular or tall
No fancy restaurant
Just a road side stall

Exam time, Study time
After a long walk
Work hours, Practice hours
After a long talk

After a lemon tea, Decisions
Have never gone wrong
What it has achieved over eons
The list is very long

Jibrael Jos

Kochi: Adrift In Timelessness

I stood on the banks of this shore
Yearning to reach the other shore
A ferry tempted me to step inside
But a quaint tea stall drew me aside

By the time I finished my tea
Church bells called out to me
Laughter and children's stare
Distracted me from my prayer

I hurried thru the street
In the humid Kerala heat
Making most of my vacation
Clicking pics of my excursions

I stood again on the river shore
Amazed as the light reflected on her floor
I inquired her where does she go?
'Me! It's you who wants to rush for more'

Stunned I sat down beside her
My mind took a dip inside her
Then and only then did I see
River going but yet not going to the sea

Now I saw a dog idling in shade
Ducks gliding thru the glade
Kingfisher sitting on the tree
Sea birds flying free

Now I amble thru the street
In this different Kerala heat! !
Making most of my excursion
By doing NOTHING this vacation

Jibrael Jos

Knocking Doors

There are doors out there
which you need to knock
So get up each day early
before your alarm clock

Run to the farthest corner
of your mind
Because the ways to the doors
are hidden inside

Remove the butter
and the pastries
Remove the clutter
In the arteries

There are no lifts
To propel you up
Except the mind 'pulley'
To pull the body up

So flex your muscles
Strengthen your resolve
Stairs which lead to some doors
Take you right to the mountain top

Knock and the door shall be open
Seek and you shall find
But the first door you open
Should be the one in the mind

Jibrael Jos

Jennie's Playback Workshop

Jennie and her quirks
Inspired us folks
To stretch the red thread a bit

What seems just a day
Has touched us in a way
That somewhere a flame has been lit

Fluidity of the sculpture
Soundscape and it's rapture
Our inner fabric has been re-nit

Let's watch to Let's Listen
Playbackers under Jenny's vision
Explore their stage presence and wit

Ummmm...There's a feeling
There has been a healing
But we all are not sure, just yet

Jibrael Jos

How Do You Pray?

Mathematicians do the sine of the cos
Postman rings a bell
Alcoholic fill themselves with the spirit
Actor's look up to the light
Teachers' raise their voices
Property Dealers chant hOMe hOMe
Coder's look in to their sin-tax
How do you pray?

Jibrael Jos

Happy Women's Day

A woman is a mystery
And no man in history
Has really understood her

She is an enigma
She is the puzzle
If you follow her lead
Life can be a juggle
But If you don't, life is
one long struggle

An inspiring mother
for your whole life
An understanding sister
In joy and in strife

A perfect wife
There is no such thing
But without her
You are nothing

You are the clay
She is the potter
If you refuse, you're
the lamb for slaughter

If she scolds it's fine
If silent, pray to the divine
If you're ill she is your nurse
Stray and she is your curse

If you are the candle
She is the light
If you are the light
She is the fuse

A poet's rhyme
A painter's muse
But when it comes to shopping
Never ever refuse

An adoring daughter
Is so cool
But think you understand her
You are the fool
If you are the TV
She is your remote
If you are the remote
She is the cell
The day she leaves
Life is an empty shell

So whichever form
she takes
Treat her as a goddess
for your own sweet sake

Happy Woman's Day

Jibrael Jos

Happy Valentine's Day

All those who don't have a date
Please don't curse your fate
It's never too late
To wipe your slate
And sketch your own fate.

Celebrate your current state
Because all those on a date
In heart of heart curse their fate
Want to exchange their plate
To live free in your state

So buy yourself a red rose
Get a dancing selfie pose
Treat yourself to a dinner
In life you are always a winner

Today enjoy your favorite sundae
Tomorrow is a brand new Monday
And by and by when you find your mate
Cherish that state and thank your fate

Happy Valentine's Day.. Date or No Date

Jibrael Jos

Happy New Year

Years will come and years will go,
Waves will come and waves will go,
Whether we choose to drown without a fight
Or stay afloat and wade towards the light
Whether ups and downs will take our breath
Or will the exercise improve our health

Years will come and Years will go
Rain will come and rain will go
Whether we will curse our fate n chance
Or from the shelter emerge to dance
Whether the water will soak to our skin
Or will the raindrops refresh us from within

Years will come and years will go
So let this year be the one u show
How to reach for the star
How to keep raising the bar
How to sing from your heart
How to act and play ur part
How to pray with gratitude
How to walk with an attitude
How to love without clauses
How to live without pauses
Years will come and years will go
But u will make it count for sure
Happy New Year

Jibrael Jos


Happiness for some I feel,
Is an online deal, A pizza meal
A vodka shot, A handbag bought
Happiness for some take two

To give someone his due
In love to be true
Walking down an aisle
To get a baby to smile

Happiness for some is sublime
Reading a book, writing a Rhyme
Bring music into someone's life
Baking a cake for his wife
A ear lent over a cup of coffee
Paying a needy child's school fee
Providing blanket for the cold
To break free from the fold

Happiness for some is much more
Connecting two broken hearts
Helping someone restart
Stand up for the weak
Against Injustice.. Speak! !

What is happiness I sometimes wonder?
Seeing the world with a positive attitude
And giving back with love and gratitude

Jibrael Jos

Good Day

(Poetry Puzzle for Children, After each para ask the child what is it?)

If I look into your face
They say I shouldn't
If I just touch your face
They say I shouldn't

When you leave me at night
I don't feel alive
When the rain clouds loom
I wish you would stay

Unlike the moon you are not moody
With different face each day
You love and nourish everybody
Each and every day

My world runs around you
Kings want to be associated with you
But still everyday
You come to my balcony

You are the light
You make me warm
You bring all the rainbows
And each morning I see your face
It's a Sunny Good Day

Jibrael Jos

Farewell, A Teacher's Perspective

Each year a part of you
Leaves you and goes
Each year you wish them well
But the emptiness shows

As a teacher you wish to inspire
But the truth you all know
If not for these wonderful students
Our world will rotate very slow

Today they set their sail
Like a bird on its maiden flight
Tomorrow they will blaze a trail
Like a comet on a starry night

Each year a part of you
Leaves you and goes
Each year you wish them well
But the emptiness shows

Jibrael Jos

Crossroads Of Forty

I stand at cross roads of forty
And look down at the years gone by
Was I at the steering wheel
Or was God controlling from the sky

I stood at the cross roads of twenty
And not once did I wonder why
I was blessed so abundantly
Was it God who lifted me high?

I stood at the cross roads of thirty
And felt like a squashed little fly
Somebody carried and revived me
Was it God who helped me cry! !

Twenty Thirty and Forty
With all the ups and downs gone by
I like to believe that the Almighty
Does customized settings from the sky

My hand has left the steering wheel
The wind is rushing by
My eyes are enjoying the scenery
And the rainbow in the sky

Jibrael Jos

Breaking Boundaries

When you break some boundaries
You enjoy the guilty pleasures
You feel you are on a song
Even though you are wrong

When you are caught
You realize it's gravity
With a few passing weeks
You realize it's futility
With a few months
You realize your reality

And finally in a few years
The wisdom seeps in
The light shines thru
You let go of the past
You realize at last
The mistake...
Was actually a good thing
If life gives a retake
You will do the same thing! !

But this time though
You will keep a brave face
And walk out with grace

Why live a lie?
Why live in your own cage?
No power on earth
Can tie down thee
You are meant to live free

Jibrael Jos

Birth Story

(Written the next day after my son was born in 2005)

Contractions kick up on the eve
Hospital Bag packed and bursting at its seam
Everybody standing on their toes
Because after all only God Knows
This comes to pass when the child is about to be born

At midnight the contraction reached its peak
A dash in the car was in store,
with pain difficult to endure
This comes to pass when the child is about to be born

Water broke on the hospital door
Hospital Staff rushed us indoor
Medical Staff ready at hand
and Mama in a determination to withstand
This comes to pass when the child is being born

Emotions swell up
Cup of Joy overflows
Across our heart there is a brand new dawn
This came to pass when our child was born

A silent prayer was on our lips
To hold the baby … O what sweet bliss
The last two years with our princess
has been sheer fun
Now with this prince
our family feels complete

We ask you to pray that he grows to be
Outrageously happy whatever the case may be

Jibrael Jos

Another Sunrise

Today I choose to live
Tomorrow I cannot say
So let me make most of today
Make new friends?
Or call up the old ones
Make up new bucket list?
Or finish the old ones
Travel or Unravel
Dance or Sing...

O Good Lord it's late
It's almost eight
Let me get to work on time
These dreams of mine
Will have to wait
Hope God has planned for me another sunrise

Jibrael Jos

Aimless Drifting

Aimless drifting is my current goal 
I have got this calling from my soul
I am navigating towards getting lost
Missing deadlines at all cost

I am working on getting lazy
Analysing the right amount of crazy
I am planning to be unorganised
Defining what needs to be unassigned

I am clarifying the right amount of blur
Eloquently scripting my slur
To stop procrastinating from next sunday
My vision is to have a mission one day

If you are going somewhere, please go
I am here for some time you should know
Aimless drifting is my current goal
I have got this calling from my soul

Jibrael Jos

Addicted To Facebook

(Written in Feb 2016, after stop watching TV for full two months)

I clocked two months without TV
And I felt I was on a song
It turns out there are many
Who don't turn the idiot box on

I wanted to try it with Facebook
But the chances are less
He has me line, sinker and hook
Whether in happiness or stress

Are there any friends out their
Who can help me out?
Ooo who am I fooling, for whom do I shout
How can one lost, lead another one out

Jibrael Jos

A Morning Run

After a morning run
The world is so much more fun
After the lungs are breathless
The mind is calm and stress-less

After the sweat is shed
Depression is long dead
After the legs are stretched
Everything can be reached

After the throat is parched
There is a new thirst
And body ready for a new burst
The heart rate is upbeat
The soul ready for a new feat

A morning run...... Anyone? : -)

Jibrael Jos

A Life Well Lived

What constitutes a life well lived? 
is it the money we accumulate,
the places we visit,
position we hold,
the accolades we win,
the friends on facebook,
the success of our relationships
or the legacy we leave behind

Jibrael Jos

A Christmas Like Coffee

May the Xmas joy percolate into your mind
May the Xmas love blend into you heart
May his grace filter down to your soul
And like a well made coffee let it revitalise your life
Merry Christmas to everyone

by Jibrael Jos